Thursday, June 9, 2011

CQL, the Cassandra Query Language

cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE test with strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy' and strategy_options:replication_factor=1;
cqlsh> USE test;

   ...     key varchar PRIMARY KEY,
   ...     full_name varchar,
   ...     birth_date int,
   ...     state varchar
   ... );

cqlsh> CREATE INDEX ON users (birth_date);
cqlsh> CREATE INDEX ON users (state);

cqlsh> INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('bsanderson', 'Brandon Sanderson', 1975, 'UT');
cqlsh> INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('prothfuss', 'Patrick Rothfuss', 1973, 'WI');
cqlsh> INSERT INTO users (key, full_name, birth_date, state) VALUES ('htayler', 'Howard Tayler', 1968, 'UT');

cqlsh> SELECT key, state FROM users;
        key | state |
 bsanderson |    UT |
  prothfuss |    WI |
    htayler |    UT |

cqlsh> SELECT * FROM users WHERE state='UT' AND birth_date > 1970;
        KEY | birth_date |         full_name | state |
 bsanderson |       1975 | Brandon Sanderson |    UT |

HBase has PigLatin, now Cassandra has CQL. It's a natural evolve step for distributed databases that depend of Map-Reduce to query and processing data.

Posted via email from Alex Nguyen


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